GB9510883.3 |
Form 1 |
GB2290613 |
Expired |
30 May 1995 |
03 January 1996 |
Grant of Patent (Notification under Section 18(4)): 17 March 1998
Publication of notice in the Official Journal (Patents) (Section 25(1)): 15 April 1998 |
28 May 2014 |
20 |
29 May 2015 |
22 June 1994 in Finland - Document: 943008 |
Optically readable bearing compass having means for correction of declination |
Optically readable bearing compass having means for correction of declination |
HASELTINE LAKE LLP Redcliff Quay 120 Redcliff Street BRISTOL BS1 6HU United Kingdom [ADP Number 10007144001] |
SUUNTO OY Incorporated in Finland Juvan teollisuuskatu 8 02920 Espoo Finland [ADP Number 05259882001] |
ARI LÄHTEENMÄKI Elontie 13 00660 Helsinki Finland [ADP Number 06798946001] |