GB9911074.4 |
NP1 |
GB2334258 |
Ceased |
07 November 1997 |
12 May 1999 |
18 August 1999 |
Grant of Patent (Notification under Section 18(4)): 18 April 2001
Publication of notice in the Patents and Designs Journal (Section 25(1)): 16 May 2001 |
27 November 2014 |
18 |
07 November 2015 |
07 November 2015 |
PCT/GB1997/003076 (Filed on 07 November 1997 in English) |
WO1998/021446 (Dated 22 May 1998 in English) |
14 November 1996 in United Kingdom - Document: 9623736 14 November 1996 in United Kingdom - Document: 9623742 20 December 1996 in United Kingdom - Document: 9626443 02 May 1997 in United Kingdom - Document: 9709064 27 June 1997 in United Kingdom - Document: 9713709 |
Inhibitors and their uses in oils |
Inhibitors and their uses in oils |
MICHAEL JOHN WILSON, BP INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Group Patents & Agreements Chertsey Road SUNBURY-ON-THAMES Middlesex TW16 7LN United Kingdom [ADP Number 05586797003] |
BP EXPLORATION OPERATING COMPANY LIMITED Incorporated in the United Kingdom Britannic House 1 Finsbury Circus LONDON EC2M 7BA United Kingdom [ADP Number 06225916002] |
CHRISTOPHER GEORGE OSBORNE BP Exploration Operating Company Limited Chertsey Road SUNBURY-ON-THAMES Middlesex TW16 7LN United Kingdom [ADP Number 07658941001]
SIMON NEIL DUNCUM BP Exploration Operating Company Limited Chertsey Road SUNBURY-0N-THAMES Middlesex TW16 7LN United Kingdom [ADP Number 07658966001]
PHILIP KENNETH GORDON HODGSON Farley Cottage 82 Silverdale Avenue WALTON-ON-THAMES Surrey KT12 1EL United Kingdom [ADP Number 07658974001]
KEITH JAMES 69 Rectory Lane Woodmanstone BANSTEAD Surrey SM7 3PE United Kingdom [ADP Number 02978427002] |