Trade mark decision
- BL Number
- O/721/18
- Decision date
- 13 November 2018
- Hearing Officer
- Mr A James
- Mark
- Fan Duel
- Classes
- 09, 41
- Section 3(6) Bad Faith - No intention to use
- Section 3(6) Bad Faith - Knowledge of opponent's mark outside the UK
- Section 3(6) Bad Faith - Breach of agreement between the parties
- Section 3(6) Bad Faith - Breach of fiduciary duty
- Sections 5(1), 5(2) and 5(3) Earlier Trade Marks - Distinctive and dominant components
- Section 5(4) Earlier Rights - Passing off (Issues arising from Registry proceedings)
- Section 5(4) Earlier Rights - Standard of proof (evidential issues)
- Section 5(4) Earlier Rights - Copyright
- Section 5(4) Earlier Rights - Design
- Other Issues - Priority dates
- Other Issues - Estoppel
Full decision O/721/18 374Kb